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Saturday Streaming
Live Online Concert Series
SS#1 - 4th July
No Stopping! Requests #1
Classic request night - some favourites, some never played before...
SS#2 - 11th July
Activism is Alive
Traditional music has aways been used as an agent for progressive change. Songs of struggle and protest.
SS#3 - 18th July
Off the Beaten Track
Weird and wonderful finds from the Australian tradition.
SS#4 - 25th July
No Stopping! Requests #2
Classic request night - some favourites, some never played before...
SS#5 - 1st August
We Go On Disobeying!
The Songs and Poems of John Dengate. On the seventh anniversary of John's passing in 2013.
SS#6 - 8th August
Variety Night #1
In the old country hall tradition... lots of laughs, lighter in tone and, as the name suggests, expect some variety!
SS#7 - 15th August
The Soul of a Poet - The Poetry & Songs of Henry Lawson, Part 1
Featuring recitations, and musical settings by the Roweths, Chris Kempster and more.
SS#8 - 22nd August
Sleepers: The Songs of Carrie Milliner and the Bobbin Family
We introduce you to the Bobbin Family of the Far South Coast of NSW and their extraordinary and wide ranging repertoire of songs.
SS#9 - 29th August
No Stopping! Requests #3
Classic request night - some favourites, some never played before...
SS#10 - 5th September
The Songs and Tunes of Bob Rummery
Over the years our repertoire has greatly benefited from the addition of songs from Bob Rummery, and we are thrilled to have the chance to focus on his work in this special presentation. Bob has been performing and championing West Australian songs and music both as a solo performer and with West Australian band Loaded Dog for many years. He is a fine tune writer and sets Australian poetry to music as though it was always meant to be sung that way.
SS#11 - 12th September
The Soul of a Poet - The Poetry & Songs of Henry Lawson, Part 2
Featuring recitations, and musical settings by the Roweths, Chris Kempster and more.
SS#12 - 19th September
The Game is Getting Lively
Songs and stories of the Weddin Mountains bushrangers featuring the mighty Frank Gardiner, John Gilbert, and Ben Hall.
SS#13 - 26th September
Variety Night #2
In the old country hall tradition... lots of laughs, lighter in tone and, as the name suggests, expect some variety!
SS#14 - 3rd October
The Soul of a Poet - The Poetry & Songs of Henry Lawson, Part 3
Featuring recitations, and musical settings by the Roweths, Chris Kempster and more. Special Guest: Megan Roweth.
SS#15 - 10th October
Phonograph Jack
As we work to find new ways to live in a changing world, we return to familiar songs to find that they have acquired new meanings. So, what's worth keeping?
Allow us to introduce to you 'Phonograph Jack', who wanders the tablelands of NSW stirring the memories of those who live and work there. Dance to the tunes of Sally Sloane and Ebb Wren under the stars, listen in the dark to the songs of battered travellers and chancers with hope still alive in their hearts.
SS#16 - 17th October
The Riderless Horse - An Australian Impression of the First World War
This material has the ring of truth for nobody knows better than those who were there …From the rousing songs of nationalistic fervour, to the soldiers’ brave faced morale boosters composed on the spot in the trenches and sung by many voices, to the ballads of those left behind to watch and wait - It’s the songs written by people of the time, those directly affected by being at war, that really tell the story and provide a rare insight into Australia at the time of the war to end all wars. Although these songs were never meant to tell the story of one soldier’s experience, this presentation has been arranged chronologically and gives a strong impression of continuity. The show also contains a potted folk history of Australia’s involvement in WW1.
SS#17 - 24th October
No Stopping! Requests #4
Classic request night - some favourites, some never played before...
SS#18 - 31st October
Battler's Ballads
Songs of struggle, of swagmen and the working class.
SS#19 - 7th November
In Concert
SS#20 - 14th November
In Remembrance
Following Remembrance Day, we explore the diverse momentous moments in Australia's history that are marked by the 11th of November. On this day Ned Kelly was hung in 1880, the guns on the Western Front fell silent in 1918, and Gough Whitlam was sacked in 1975. We explore these, and other related events, through song and story.
SS#21 - 21st November
Too Many Bloody Songs About Shearers By Far!
This song, like the album of the same title, is part celebration, and part tribute. It is our contemporary exploration of the characters who shore sheep in Australian past times, and who, in doing so, helped to build a modern nation. The material has a natural, but not exclusive focus on our home in central west NSW. Discoveries shared by song collectors Mark Gregory and Rob Willis, amongst others, have added significantly to the “map and compass” of shearers’ songs we have to guide us, and while parts of the map are lost, the fragments we have reveal a landscape of diverse characters, vibrant and vital...
SS#22 - 28th November
Variety Night #3
Our last Saturday Streaming concert for the year, and we're going out in the old country hall tradition... lots of laughs, and lighter in tone and, as the name suggests, expect some variety.
SS21#1 - 24th July
No Stopping!
Kicking off the season with a selection of materials for the times.
SS21#2 - 7th August
"How Many Years..."
The Songs of Bob Dylan
A celebration of the great Bob Dylan's songwriting in his 80th year.
SS21#3 - 21st August
The Songs and Tunes of Sally Sloane
We explore the extraordinary repertoire of local traditional singer and multi-instrumentalist Sally Sloane (1894-1982) of Lithgow.
SS21#4 - 4th September
Michael O'Rourke Songwriter
Best known for what has become a folk festival anthem, "The Poison Train", Michael O'Rourke's familiarity with the tradition and straight talking lyrics feel at once familiar and surprising.
SS21#5 - 18th September
Variety Night
In the old country hall tradition... lots of laughs, and lighter in tone and, as the name suggests, expect some variety.
SS21#6 - 18th September
Combined Event
with the Newcastle and Hunter Valley Folk Club
SS21#7 - 16th October
Henry Lawson and his mates
Combines the stories and songs of Henry and his contemporary writers with those writers that followed, writers who also held deep connections to the Mudgee-Gulgong part of NSW.
SS21#8 - 30th October
Square Pegs
An evening exploring the songs and poetry of the outliers and fringe dwellers shaping, and shaped by, the mainstream world.
Celebrating 30 Years of Music-making & Songwriting
Showcasing original material spanning our entire career, along with stories of our misspent youth.
SS21#9 - 13th November
SS21#10 - 27th November
SS21#11 - 11th December
Cultural Care Packages in the form of laid back general concerts delivered every fortnight.
SS22#1 - 29th January
CCP #1 - A Good As New
SS22#2 - 12th February
CCP #2 - Sofala Cuckoos
SS22#3 - 26th February
CCP #3 - For Ukraine
SS22#4 - 12th March
CCP #4 - Sing Us A Song
SS22#5 - 26th March
CCP #5 - For Jacko and Denis
SS22#6 - 9th April
CCP #6 - For Treva Taylor
SS22#7 - 23rd April
CCP #7 - John Prine Time Live
SS22#8 - 21st May
CCP #8 - Duets, 30th Anniversary Show
SS22#9 - 4th June
CCP #9 - Winter in Millthorpe in Winter
SS22#10 - 18th June