Jason Roweth
Reciter, musician, storyteller.
Ah, White Man, Have You Any Sacred Sites?
Live performance 2015/2016 Woodford Folk Festival.
Written by Denis Kevans. Filmed by Ian Large.
When the Monkeys Rode the Greyhounds Round the Track at Harold Park
Live performance by Chloe and Jason Roweth at Bill's Bar, Woodford Folk Festival 2015-16. Poem by Denis Kevans. Tune: The Drover. Filmed by Ian Large.
The Greenhand Rouseabout
Jason Roweth recites Henry Lawson's 'Greenhand Rousabout' in the historic Toorale Woolshed, where the poem originated - on the annual Poet's Trek - Bourke, NSW. Part of the Festival of a Thousand Stories.
Published on Sep 14, 2015. www.festival1000stories.com.au
“One of those rare poets who leave you wondering how he got to be that bloody good!” -Brian Bell
"A really superb presentation by Jason. I'd only had 5 hours the night before and was afraid I'd nod off - but no chance! I was on the edge of my seat with Jason's storytelling, recitations and songs." - Margaret Walters
"Congratulations on your poetry CD "That's not how I heard it..." Great recitations, beaut music and a terrific selection of poems. Well done. As Russell Hannah would say you'd be a fool to yourself and a burden to others if you didn't own one of these CDs!" - Gregory North
"A brilliant performance by a consummate professional and one that everyone who was there will remember, not only for its quality, but also for its virtuosity!." - Vic Jefferies
To call Jason Roweth a well-rounded performer is just a start. He is a natural storyteller, with a warm and engaging stage presence, an ideal choice for an MC, but there’s more… Jason has spent the last twenty years as a singer and musician, researching, performing and recording Australian traditional music, and is also an accomplished reciter. Concert audiences can expect a unique and dynamic combination of new and old Australian traditional songs, poems, yarns, stories and observations. Items are treated as pieces of a larger puzzle, and explicitly connected to make every show a themed presentation on various aspects of Australian culture and social history. With his poetry repertoire drawn from the great Australian writers - Henry Lawson, Banjo Paterson, Denis Kevans, John Dengate and others, Jason will take you on a journey, make you laugh, and make you really think.
His skills have been recognised with some prestigious awards, including ABPA Golden Damper Traditional Reciter in 2016, National Folk Festival Reciter of the Year in 2015, and National Folk Festival Yarnspinner of the Year in 2013.
For the last 18 years, primary school groups travelling through the Bathurst region have benefited from Jason’s knowledge of Australian folklore. Jason is a keen educator and has the ability to make learning a byproduct of an interactive evening of singing, dancing and sharing stories under the stars. If you’re looking for a coordinator between a festival and the local school, Jason can do the job for you – and lead a performance by the kids of Aussie material.
With the ability to co-ordinate a great event with just the right song or poem at the ready, Jason is an ideal MC for private functions - maybe yours?